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Smart Pro Toyota Proximity All Keys Lost Solution

Smart Pro Toyota Proximity All Keys Lost Solution

Smart Pro can program new proximity keys in all keys lost situations for many Toyota models fitted with proximity/smart key systems.

The Smart Pro software along with the ADC2015 (for Texas Instruments) or ADC2020 (For NXP/Philips) smart key emulator can be used to create a temporary working key which will allow programming of additional new keys.

This includes bypassing any security gateways, which can mostly be done direct via OBD. However in some instances such as ~2021 -> "BA" Platform, direct connection to the Smart Key certification ECU is required. This is done with a special cable that connects between the vehicle Smart ECU and the existing wiring loom/plug. No altering or damaging to the existing vehicle parts is needed.


  • Emulator being used as working key

  • ADC2021 "BA" System gateway bypass harness
  • Suits ~2021 -> "BA" Platform models

Quick information

  • An Internet connection is required on Smart Pro to program these systems
  • Programming support is not 100% guaranteed! As security access is dependent on specific hardware and software versions. Please see the SUPPORT LEVELS AND PART NUMBERS section below
  • The ADC2015 or ADC2020 Emulator (depending on transponder type)  is required for All keys Lost (AKL) situations
  • For ~2021 -> "BA" Platform, the ADC2021 gateway bypass cable is required
  • Token users be aware that up to 3 tokens will be used depending on situation (see below for specifics). Optionally the ADS2328 SD756605AD Software can be purchased outright to avoid Token use.
  • Please see the ERASING KEYS ON TIS SYSTEMS below for a very important warning!


Security Access

Later Toyota systems can be a little confusing regarding the requirements when it comes to security access and if the model is fitted with a security gateway or requires special incode/outcode TIS access from the dealer network. These terms are explained below.

Old Security NETWORK

Models previous to roughly mid 2017 can be considered to have "old" security (its not really old as such, but it is th best way to differentiate) this means that no extra steps are required in order to extract memory and perform the key emulation and key programming procedure.

For token users!

  • Spare keys will use 1 Token as normal
  • All Keys Lost on vehicle with old security will us 1 Token (including programming of new keys)


Models roughly mid 2017 onwards have "Gateway" security access. While this doesn't effect programming of spare keys (if the user has a current working key for authorization) it is designed to prevent non-licensed dealer tools to gain access to specific functions particularly when all keys are lost. Previous solutions would require special cables/harnesses to connect directly to the vehicles smart/certification ECU in order to make a connection which effectively physically bypassed the gateway. Thankfully, this method is no longer required thanks to some special engineering from Advanced Diagnostics, and the whole procedure can be done direct via OBD.

For token users!

  • Spare keys will use 1 Token as normal
  • All Keys Lost on vehicle with new security will use 3 tokens (including programming of new keys)


Some models roughly mid 2017 onwards are even more secure, which not only have Gateway security access, but also require a special coded access challenge from the dealer "TIS" (Technical Information System) network. Basically the car would display a dynamic challenge code, which would need to be processed on the dealer network to provide the correct encrypted response. This is required for both Spare and All keys lost situations. Some services around the world such as NASTF (National Automotive Service Task Force) in the United States offer to process this code for the user. This also may apply to the local AASRA service, but has yet to be confirmed.

This being said, Smart Pro will offer the option to bypass the TIS challenge so that no user interaction is required. However, if the user wishes Smart Pro will also offer the user to manually perform the TIS challenge themselves (if the response code can be processed and obtained via elsewhere).

For token users!

  • Spare Keys will use 3 Tokens IF user uses the TIS bypass.
  • Spare Keys will use 1 Token IF user uses manual TIS bypass.
  • All Keys Lost will use 3 Tokens (Including TIS bypass and programming of new keys)



Roughly ~2020 - 2022 onwards (model dependent) Toyota and Lexus models move to a newer security platform. This is often referred to as the "BA" system, due to this being the "password" value on the new Texas Instruments keys and similar value on the Hitag AES key version.

All BA models normally require a special coded access challenge from the dealer "TIS" (Technical Information System) network just as the previous network type.

Thankfully the TIS requirement can now be bypassed with Smart Pro using the ADC2021 cable to directly connect to the vehicles Smart ECU.

For token users!

  • Spare keys will use 1 Token as normal (Including TIS bypass with ADC2021)
  • All Keys Lost on "BA" systems will us 1 Token (including TIS bypass with ADC2021 programming of new keys)

Erasing keys on TIS Systems


The erase key function works similar to the existing Toyota proximity systems, where during the erase procedure a valid working key must be touched against the start button. This will delete all keys but the one presented.

However the "New Security Access with TIS" systems have a particularly annoying feature that the user must be aware of.

If erasing keys is a requirement (key was stolen etc) the user must make sure that ALL the currently working keys are presented as instructed during this function as any keys that are missed will be BLACKLISTED and NEVER BE ABLE TO BE PROGRAMMED AGAIN. As these keys are in the range of $500 - $700 each it pays to avoid this! please pay carefully attention to the screen prompts if performing erase keys.


Cluster Faults 

After Programming is it common for some faults to display such as "Service Hybrid system" this is normal and nothing to be concerned about. This are historic faults caused by communication network being disrupted between certain modules. They will clear and disappear after a few kilometers of driving.

Support levels and Part numbers

What can and cannot be programmed in all keys lost situations is not currently 100% known. Security access for many post 2017 models depends entirely on if certain data is known for the specific hardware fitted to the vehicle in question. This is often the limiting factor in the level of support for every tool in the market.

The only way to know is to try. If the vehicle is not supported a "SYSTEM NOT SUPPORTED PART NUMBER - XXX (Your Part number)" message will display. 

The below table will show what SHOULD be supported, but please be prepared that some instances may fail to gain access. Advanced Diagnostics are constantly adding support for new part numbers when they are found and engineered. 

Note; "BA" systems from ~2021 onwards (model dependent) should be fully supported regardless of part numbers.

Model Year Range Gateway Security TIS Access Transponder Type Transponder Password Spare keys Supported All keys Lost Supported Spare Keys Tokens All Keys Lost Tokens All Keys Lost Method Bypass 
86 / GT86 2012 - 2021 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Aurion 2009 - 2011 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Aurion 2011 - 2017 Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator  Yes
BZ4x 2024 -> Yes Yes TXDST128 BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator YesADC2021
Camry 2009 - 2012 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Camry 2012 - 2017* Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Camry 2017* -> Yes Yes TXDST128 A9 Yes Yes** 1 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Corolla 2009 - 2012 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Corolla 2012 - 2018* Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Corolla 2018* - 2022 Yes Yes HITAGAES - Yes Yes** 3*** 3 ADC2020 Key Emulator Yes
Corolla 2022 -> Yes Yes HITAGAES BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2020 Key Emulator YesADC2021
Corolla Cross 2022 -> Yes Yes HITAGAES BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2020 Key Emulator YesADC2021
C-HR 2016 - 2024 Yes Yes TXDST128 A9 Yes Yes** 1 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
C-HR 2024 -> Yes Yes TXDST128 BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator YesADC2021
Fortuner 2015 - 2017* Yes Yes TXDST128 39 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Fortuner 2017* - 2023 Yes Yes TXDST128 39 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Hilux 2015 - 2017* Yes Yes TXDST128 39 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Hilux 2017* - 2023 Yes Yes TXDST128 39 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Kluger 2010 - 2014 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Kluger 2014 - 2017* Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Kluger 2017* - 2021 Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Kluger 2021 - 2024 Yes Yes TXDST128 AA Yes Yes** 3*** 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Kluger 2024 -> Yes Yes TXDST128 BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator YesADC2021
Landcrusier 200 Series 2006 - 2008 Yes Yes TXDST40 94 Yes Yes 1 1 16 Minute Reset  Yes
Landcrusier 200 Series 2008 - 2015 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Landcrusier 200 Series 2015 - 2017* Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Landcrusier 200 Series 2017* - 2021 Yes Yes TXDST128 A9 Yes Yes** 1 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Landcrusier 300 Series 2021 -> Yes Yes TXDST128 BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator YesADC2021
Prado 2008 - 2017* Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Prado 2017* - 2023 Yes Yes TXDST128 A9 Yes Yes** 1 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Pruis 2008 - 2015 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Prius 2016 - 2022 Yes Yes TXDST128 A9 Yes Yes** 1 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Rav4 2010 - 2012 Yes Yes TXDST80 98 Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator   Yes
Rav4 2012 - 2018 Yes Yes TXDST128 88/A8 Yes Yes** 1 1 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Rav4 2019 -> Yes Yes TXDST128 AA Yes Yes** 3*** 3 ADC2015 Key Emulator Yes
Yaris 2020 -> Yes Yes HITAGAES BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2020 Key Emulator YesADC2021
Yaris Cross 2020 -> Yes Yes HITAGAES BA Yes Yes 1 1 ADC2020 Key Emulator YesADC2021

*The date of security change is best guess, as not all models will change at exactly the same time. It can vary depending on month of production but best indication of change is at some point between 2017 - 2018. Token users please quote accordingly to cover for additional tokens needed just in case on these cross over years.

**Please be aware that support for All keys Lost may not be 100% supported as this can depend on specific smart ECU hardware fitted to vehicle. However additional supported units are added all the time.
***3 Tokens used if TIS is bypassed. Option to use 1 Token if TIS challenge is performed via external manual method



Example Screens from 2020 RAV4







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