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  • Entries are now open for ABYL 2024

Nominations are Now Open!

Recognising the outstanding achievements by young locksmiths, The Australia's Best Young Locksmith Award is now in its 13th year!

Are you a qualified Locksmith under the age of 30 or know someone who is? Enter or Nominate by following the link below.

Entries close 31st July 2024!

Selection Criteria

All qualified Locksmiths under the age of 30 are eligible to apply and be nominated. Entrants will be assessed on the bases of their achievement, commitment and innovation within the industry.

  • Technical proficiency and knowledge
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Genuine passion for locksmithing
  • Record of outstanding service


  • ABYL Trophy
  • $2500 Worth of tools and products
  • $2000 TechED
  • $1000 Travel and accommodation
  • Apple iPad Pro
  • Pair of Steel Blue work boots


Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting the 2024 Australia's Best Young Locksmith competition:

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